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Settle with the Best. These words make up more than just the new tagline for Eagle Title. They also represent the award-winning closing experience that real estate customers, home buyers, refinancers, real estate agents, and lenders have come to expect from the team at Eagle Title.

To help describe this award-winning experience, Eagle Title has launched a new content-focused website providing visitors with an abundance of information on the Eagle Title story, the attorney and settlement officer team, title insurance and the real estate closing process.

The new website reflects the ever-expanding growth that Eagle Title has achieved through its affiliation with the law firm Liff, Walsh & Simmons, and the need for guiding clients through every step of the closing process. The new website will provide further support, education, and insights for the title industry.

For both residential and commercial real estate professionals looking for valuable resources and up-to-date industry information, the new homepage provides an intuitive and user-friendly navigation experience to find an answer to any of your FAQs, read customer reviews, or check out a recent social media post.

By checking the Resources page, visitors can expect to find relevant articles, blog posts, videos, and infographics from Eagle Title’s experienced team of attorneys and settlement officers covering various residential and commercial real estate topics.

Visitors to the site will also receive up-to-date information on company announcements, press releases, expansion and growth stories, networking events, career opportunities, as well as Eagle Title’s charitable participation and community involvement.

Visitors can also subscribe to the Real Estate Round-Up RSS Blog feed weekly email to receive regular updates for thought leadership content. The site also makes it easy to follow Eagle Title on all major social sites, including Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram.

Since its inception, Eagle Title has conducted thousands of real estate settlements throughout the mid-Atlantic region. Through its affiliation with Liff, Walsh & Simmons, Eagle Title can leverage the vast experience of numerous attorneys across a wide range of practice areas, including real estate, land use, finance, and estate planning and administration, to facilitate even the most complex residential and commercial transactions. Click here to contact Eagle Title for more information and to find out why When you Settle with Eagle Title, you Settle With The Best.

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Brad Walsh, Esq. is the President of Eagle Title. He oversees the operation of the Residential and Commercial Divisions of Eagle Title and performs settlements for its customers. He has assisted in closing over 2,000 transactions. Brad is directly responsible for Eagle Title's TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure Compliance and other regulatory measures.